Sea Eagle 380x Inflatable Kayaks and Canoe Reviews

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Wess 8/18/2010 4.5 out of 5 stars.

We purchased this boat this spring as a whitewater tandem since my wife was wary of paddling alone. We intended on running the upper New in WV. The boat is great in mild whitewater...with the valves closed. We ran the Lower Yough in SW PA this weekend. A much smaller river that packs a big punch with most of the rapids rated III/IV. We still ran with the valves closed because if the rear paddler is a little larger, he sits in about 2 inches of water that slows quick moves required on this river to a great extent. Getting hung up on a rock can spell disaster as the boat quickly fills with water and made it like trying to turn a battleship. I have contacted Sea Eagle to find if an additional floor can be added or a thicker floor installed to displace the water that enters when the valves are open.

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I still like the boat but with the design as it is, the floor needs to be thicker to displace the water so the rear paddler sits at or above the water level and the self bailing feature really works, because as it is now, it really isn't a self-bailer, at least not with the high back seats.

I can attest to the fact that even filled to the brim, it still CAN be paddled.

belljr13 7/20/2010 5.0 out of 5 stars.

This is my first kayak. I've rented hard shells for flat water paddling. I've been on commercial rafting trips through class IV.

My first impression of the 380X is the rugged construction. I took it out in the San Francisco Bay the day I received it in 30 knot winds. I really couldn't control the direction or make any headway by myself. On a lake the next day with little show full review ▼ wind the boat was great.

wind the boat was great.

I have the optional fixed rudder and I think it helps the tracking. I ordered the thigh straps and took it to South Fork American Fork to run the Gorge. It was flowing 1500 cps. With two people first time, self guiding, class II rapids blind, the boat forgave our many mistakes. For the class III section we had an experienced guide showing us the lines. We flipped in a scary place but I was able to dolphin kick myself back in kayak in calmer waters. The guide we met was impressed with the boat's capabilities and the boat really forgave our many mistakes.

DWC 9/15/2009 3.5 out of 5 stars.

I've been padding solo canoe and kayak (hard shell) for nine years. Just got my 380X last of August. Outfitted it for W.W. Got the optional bow float and made a custom foot rest. Added a set of thigh straps. These two elements are key for W.W. First 3 times on the lake. Did 6 miles on a narrow dam controlled river. Class I high 2's. Had to get technical with some moves. With drains open the boat looses performance because all the water doesn't exit the boat. At the end of the run it was holding quite a bit of water under the floor. This makes the boat handle sluggish. Thinking of retrofitting the floor with foam. With the rib shape of air floor water has a place to accumulate.

themnmoores 9/15/2008 5.0 out of 5 stars.

After a lot of online research, I picked up a Sea Eagle Explorer 380 in June. Spent the summer fishing the Cannon and Mississippi river from the Explorer. This is one well put together boat, very tough and stable. My son and I did a run down the Porneuf river through Lava Hot Springs, many rapids and small waterfalls. At not time during all my trips I have I felt unstable like a regular kayak. The boat does not track like a regular kayak, but some practice in rowing and the rear stabilizer helps (think quick shallow strokes). I works well for two people to fish out of. My recommendation would be skip the tall back seats and go with the deluxe kayak seats, much better back support and comfort. They also let you sit 4 inches higher for easier fishing. The deluxe foot pump allows me to fill up the kayak in 5 minutes or less. Yes the Sea Eagle Explorer is more expensive but I look forward to many years of kayaking without it wearing out.

Quigley 9/9/2008 4.0 out of 5 stars.

Paddled at the Bay of Quinte in Ontario.

With the directional stabilizer boat tracks straight & moves slower than a kayak but faster than a canoe.

Paddling into a strong headwind requires effort but this is really a great boat that will handle open water & for some reason is easier paddled sitting up front as possible, & even easier when there is some weight behind you as the boat will carry it's momentum better.nn Big waves & boat wake are easily handled & still water is surprisingly fast.

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Tandem paddling gets you moving at a brisk pace & there is lots of room for two people to sit comfortably with some gear.

The Deluxe seat will put you higher up than the Pro seat & is also a good platform for fishing. You can jump from the dock into the boat without worrying about tipping.

This is a very fun boat & it will do everything from solo to tandem paddling with relative ease. The 380X was faster than the 340X solo. See my 340X review.

Ken 6/19/2008 4.5 out of 5 stars.

I've been fishing lakes in a Sea Eagle 420X for the past week. Most days in pretty high winds. ANY inflatable watercraft is going to be lumbering on flat water and catch wind like a sail. Nature of the beast. But the SE 420X was BY FAR the best inflatable I have ever used...AND my absolute favorite fly fishing boat of all time. I ordered a 380X after the 2nd day. I don't need the extra length of the 420X.

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I paddled this boat for hours in 30 mph wind on an East Texas lake, transiting open water and along shoreline structure while fishing. I have no qualms with the way it handles. Does it handle as well as a hard boat? Yes... a canoe. But not a kayak. But for an inflatable kayak, that's as good as it gets! I even paddled the boat for an hour while my brother fished where I was sitting in the bow and he was fishing from the stern. 290 lbs of former football lineman sitting over the skeg and 30 mph winds...and I had no problem keeping him in position for fishing the shoreline we were covering.

But my favorite things about this boat are that it is ultimately comfortable and it has nothing on it to foul a fly line when fishing. These are the two most important ingredients for any fishing boat in my world.

JP 1/29/2008 4.0 out of 5 stars.

We purchased a 340x and a 380X one each for my spouse and I in 2007. We are experienced paddlers with canoes and hard shell sea kayaks. While the Sea Eagles are sold as kayaks, they are really more like an inflatable Canoes (in terms of load carrying) that you paddle like a kayak, and which behaves like a raft.

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In flatwater any substantial wind will seriously affect your progress and while this may be true of all water craft the effects are really serious with the sea eagle. We purchased the boats for long (read 7+ days) treks in rivers of Canadian wilderness. The boats are great for that. Have taken them in Class 3 rapids fully loaded, while you do get wet, the boat rides the rapids just like a raft. No more long portages. One benefit of these inflating crafts is that they load on aircraft at a fraction of the cost (or impossible for) hard shell watercraft. They pack inside your vehicle and no wind drag. We plan more river trips in 2008.

I agree with most other positive comments on this site (regarding comfort, paddling, skeg etc). When loaded with equipment in flat water with chop the self bailing plugs usually do not work very well.

haught 8/31/2006 4.0 out of 5 stars.

I first reviewed my 14 foot Sea Eagle in 2004 & thought I would add a couple of observations. I have used the boat in a wide variety of conditions & I still enjoy the boat's versatility. She excells at camping & load carrying. We took her to Baja Sur Mexico & was a comfortable day long fishing craft during an extended camping trip. Also discovered that she was perfect for birding & approaching wildlife - very quiet - you can't make noise if you bump your paddle into the side. Can be a bear in the Sea of Cortez winds, but all the paddlers I saw were working hard. Now that I have a home, I plan to buy a hard boat that I can throw onto the roof of my truck & go. The ritual of inflating, deflating, & wrestling her into a packable unit grows tiresome for casual paddles around the area. I could leave her ready to go, but fear the elements would get to her. Still, she has been a great boat & I will hang on to her for road trips & other suitable adventures.

checkertail64 8/19/2005 4.0 out of 5 stars.

I bought the 380 two years ago as a go anywhere boat. Nope this won't give you a hard shell's performance on flat water but if you are looking for quality, load capacity and at an economical price, this is a great boat. The skeg will really help out in flat water as will not carrying your stroke past 90 degrees otherwise you get that left/right fishtail go nowhere movement. The hull is rugged raft type material. This is a great multi purpose boat which will find itself at home in an apt closet.

sailmaster 7/22/2004 5.0 out of 5 stars.

I bought the boat 2 years ago because my wife insisted on a tandem. As it turns out, this boat is a perfect starting out boat for newbys. With the skeg mounted, the tracking is good on flat water, I think this boat may be impossible to capsize, we have paddled the Puget Sound and many lakes between there and Los Angeles. It handles ocean as well as lakes. I haven't tryed witewater yet in it but plan to next month. I strongly recommend this boat if you are thinking about giving Kayaks a try for the first time. I also own hard kayaks but we keep coming back to the Sea Eagle because it is stress free and holds everything you could want.