Sea Eagle 380x Inflatable Kayaks and Canoe Reviews

8 Discount Packages available. starting at $899

Robert Gotthardt, Jr Verified Owner 2/20/2017 5.0 out of 5 stars.

I Love it. I use it every weekend in the season. It seems very durable and packs up very well. We have a friend that owns 3 of them, 2 other friends that have the 300x, and my wife loved it so much she wanted one for herself so her father bought her the 300x for her birthday. I recommend it to everyone who wants to do any kayaking. Once I ordered it, it came very quickly. Thank you!!

Corrie F Verified Owner 1/8/2017 4.0 out of 5 stars.

I love my kayak! We have taken it in lakes and rivers with rapids ranging from ripples to class 4 and absolutely love it! The kayak is quite stable and it's a work horse. We can easily fit me, my wife, and our 8 year old along with coolers and dry bags with ease for a nice trip. As for durability, we have scrapped and ping ponged from rock to rock at times with out a scratch or any type of leak. So there are my positives.

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Here is the negative: bailing ports don't get the job done due to the floor being too low. I can't kayak with the bailing ports open or the kayak fills with too much water causing there to be too much weight in the kayak which affects stability and maneuvering. This caused us to swim a couple times, one being a class 4 rapid that wasn't fun to swim. We now kayak with the ports closed and stop frequently to empty the water as we typically get less water that way then leaving the ports open. It would be great if SE offered us an exchange for their new 4 inch floor. :)

Darren Lowe Verified Owner 12/16/2016 5.0 out of 5 stars.

I have a Foldcat 375 for 3 years and love it. I was looking for kayak style boat for fishing. I bought the 380X Fishing package in March 2016. Since March, I have done 27 river floats upto 15 miles per float all over the Shenandoah river. I can fish for hours without any discomfort. My buddies in their hard plastic kayaks will have to stop often and get out to strectch. The 380X fishing chair is very comfortable and the elevated seating allows your legs to be comfortably under you. I really like the transportablity of the 380X. I can carry the 380X in the back of my car and fish where ever I go. Set up in a breeze. The 380X is very tough. I have hit rocks and tree limbs with no problem. I will definitely buy one for the wife!

David DeArmond Verified Owner 12/13/2016 4.0 out of 5 stars.

I purchased the 380xPro to go plein-air painting in the flooded Rio Grande River canyons of Big Bend National Park. After taking it to a local lake over a hundred times I felt experienced enough to give it a shot. I had to repair one side last summer and then re-repair it and recently the floor for tiny, slow air leaks. In November 2016 I did solo camping and painting trips into both St. Elena and Boquillas canyons, on the Mexican border. The low water conditions and common "riffles" on the Rio Grande caused me to have to remove the skeg and control was a common issue. No problem with the rapids but I did have it flip over when a strong fast current pushed it under overhanging brush. If I had it to do again I'd buy the larger 420x because of all the gear I had to carry and low water. Some sort of folding skeg with a spring would be an interesting accessory if available. I suggest anyone with a 380x run a light rope all around the boat, through the D-rings... I did and am very happy I did. Love the boat.

Sea Eagle's reply:

purchased the 380xPro to go plein-air painting in the flooded Rio Grande River Canyons, Love the boat.