Sea Eagle 380x Inflatable Kayaks and Canoe Reviews

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jm 6/20/2014 4.0 out of 5 stars.

My wife and I took the 380x out for our maiden voyage yesterday. Class II/III WW on the Colorado river. We went with rafter friends for support and river advice. The only reason I gave an 8 is that the self bailing is not that great. You sit in water once you hit any WW waves. Otherwise the boat was extremely stable and comfortable. It forgave a lot of bad moves through the class III WW. Never came close to tipping. Even when going through waves that were two or three feet high. Scary for a first ride but now I'm looking forward to a second run.

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I would say the control and steering are comparable to a canoe. You can't turn on a dime like a hard shell kayak but you don't have to worry about tipping. At 50 yrs old I'm more into the safety and comfort than high performance sport kayaking. I'm 6'1" 225lbs and had plenty of room. The high back seats were very comfortable and secure. I may go to a higher deluxe seat for my wife. She did not enjoy sitting in the water.

The 380x seems to be high quality and very durable. I spent a little more money for a boat that will last many years. I ran the boat up the concrete exit ramp and it didn't even scratch the bottom.

So with the self bailing exception, the 380x is all that I hoped for in an IK. Safe, stable, durable, comfortable and fun. I look forward to many years of river runs and camping floats.

docscott 9/23/2013 5.0 out of 5 stars.

What a great inflatable kayak. I have been kayaking for over 20 years in a variety of hard shell kayaks. Being of age now and having had several surgeries, my legs just aren't what they used to be, so I have been searching for a solution to getting out of our kayaks with my weakened legs. I fitted it with a seat similar to the optional fishing seat, and what a dream come true. It is so stable and easy to get in and out of now. I can keep up with my wife in her 13' Perception America except in strong wind. Sitting higher in the fishing seat as opposed to the Deluxe or Pro Highback seats makes paddling a breeze.

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I highly recommend this kayak fitted with or without the optional fishing seat.

Wess 8/18/2010 4.5 out of 5 stars.

We purchased this boat this spring as a whitewater tandem since my wife was wary of paddling alone. We intended on running the upper New in WV. The boat is great in mild whitewater...with the valves closed. We ran the Lower Yough in SW PA this weekend. A much smaller river that packs a big punch with most of the rapids rated III/IV. We still ran with the valves closed because if the rear paddler is a little larger, he sits in about 2 inches of water that slows quick moves required on this river to a great extent. Getting hung up on a rock can spell disaster as the boat quickly fills with water and made it like trying to turn a battleship. I have contacted Sea Eagle to find if an additional floor can be added or a thicker floor installed to displace the water that enters when the valves are open.

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I still like the boat but with the design as it is, the floor needs to be thicker to displace the water so the rear paddler sits at or above the water level and the self bailing feature really works, because as it is now, it really isn't a self-bailer, at least not with the high back seats.

I can attest to the fact that even filled to the brim, it still CAN be paddled.

belljr13 7/20/2010 5.0 out of 5 stars.

This is my first kayak. I've rented hard shells for flat water paddling. I've been on commercial rafting trips through class IV.

My first impression of the 380X is the rugged construction. I took it out in the San Francisco Bay the day I received it in 30 knot winds. I really couldn't control the direction or make any headway by myself. On a lake the next day with little show full review ▼ wind the boat was great.

wind the boat was great.

I have the optional fixed rudder and I think it helps the tracking. I ordered the thigh straps and took it to South Fork American Fork to run the Gorge. It was flowing 1500 cps. With two people first time, self guiding, class II rapids blind, the boat forgave our many mistakes. For the class III section we had an experienced guide showing us the lines. We flipped in a scary place but I was able to dolphin kick myself back in kayak in calmer waters. The guide we met was impressed with the boat's capabilities and the boat really forgave our many mistakes.