Sea Eagle SE 330 Inflatable Kayaks and Canoe Reviews

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Linda Mayo Verified Owner 12/7/2016 5.0 out of 5 stars.

This was exactly what I needed. The lake I intended for its use is an 8 hour drive away and I didn't want to drive that far alone with a kayak on my car roof. Nor did I want to load and unload a non-inflatable on my own. This one fits in my trunk or back seat. Each time I set it up, it gets easier. The inland Minnesota lake is fairly calm, so I can't speak to rough water or rapids handling. I had never even been in a kayak before, but this one handled very easily and I have enjoyed every trip in it.

Bill Jordan Verified Owner 7/29/2016 4.0 out of 5 stars.

Have had my boat out on three occasions now. Portability is excellent. Everything you need fits into the carry bag, plus you still have plenty of room to toss in accessories. Be warned that the bag does have some weight, but carrying it over the shoulder for short distances should be manageable for most.

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It takes about 10 minutes to have the boat ready for use. Really no need to buy an electric pump that would require you to inflate near the car.

I've been in a hard kayak a few times. In comparison, I find the Sea Eagle a bit unsteady, as it tends to lilt from side to side a little more. Takes some getting used to. And if you are trying to go solo and keep up with a buddy in a hard kayak, forget about it. This vessel does not 'cut' through the water. My wife and I have found that we enjoy it most if she sits all the way up front facing me and I paddle from the very back, and the front weight helps it track better as well. Overall, a nice recreational vessel when used within its capabilities.

Jim Moran Verified Owner 7/26/2016 5.0 out of 5 stars.

Delighted to have found the website and to see the newest versions of the Sea Eagle. I bought mine - identified now as an inflatable kayak - in 1986 at REI. I'm happy to note the minor but important differences in valves, seats, and navigation - and since after 30 years of service in 25 states, four Canadian provinces and two territories, my original boat seems to have sprung some almost irreparable leaks - it might be time to take advantage of the current sale to get a new one. In a lifetime of buying good to excellent gear for all sorts of outdoor adventures - the Sea Eagle was just about the best purchase I ever made. A singularly great and ingeniously designed product.

Tomas Jina Verified Owner 7/17/2016 5.0 out of 5 stars.

We, my wife and I, are using this kayak from the last spring, few times a week, mostly out of the harbor, on the open ocean. Some of our trips were in rough conditions with waves over six feet and wind blowing around 22 knots. The stability of this craft is incredible, so we are feeling very safe in it. The biggest advantage is being inflatable. We do not need truck or car rack and after a few minutes of leg exercise, we are on the way. Deflating is even faster. And after we bough this round sail, we expanded our trips even farther, making now trips up to ten miles long, because wind here is always blowing us back to harbor. For all of this, I would highly recommend this kayak to everyone.